Page 9 - Bulletin 18 2014
P. 9


               While  alluvial  gold  had  been  the  main  focus  of  the  hunt,  it  was  John  Courtney,  John

               Delbridge’s partner, who is credited with finding the first visible surface gold reef in August
               1886. Excitement intensified as more surface reefs were found and the feeling grew that gold

               in  vast  quantities  was  there  for  the  taking.  Under  pressure  from  the  miners  the  Cape
               Government proclaimed Millwood a goldfield in January 1887.

               By May the Delbridges and John Courtney had floated the Courtney Pioneer Gold Mining

               and Prospecting Company (Ltd.) (Fig. 1.4.) Speculators had happily bought up the full share

               allocation  for  £15  000  with  a  2  000  share  over-subscription.  Shares  were  trading  at  a
               premium over their 10/- issue price.

               South  Africa  was  in  the  grip  of  a  gold  and  diamond  mining  bubble  at  the  time  with
               companies being floated from  Kimberly to  Barberton, in  Natal and on the Witwatersrand.

               Share brokers were writing regular reports and at Millwood the Courtney Pioneer’s prospects
               were  reported  to  be  “second  to  none  on  the  Fields.”  In  December  1887  the  stamp  mills

               arrived from England and were brought to the site by 13 ox wagons – a remarkable feat in
               itself. The shaft had reached 350 feet (about 100 m) and shares were trading at 22/6d. The

               reporter confidently said:

                     “There is not the slightest doubt in my mind, but that time will prove that these

                     fields are as good as, and as worthy of attention, as any in the Transvaal.”

               Although vast quantities of ore were mined and crushed there was insufficient gold in the
               Millwood Gold Fields to make mining viable. It seems the Delbridges  started to sell their

               shares before this became fully apparent and no doubt left Knysna with a tidy profit. With the

               sale of the Millwood gold mine the Delbridges were looking for other opportunities and in
               1888 they moved to Wynberg.

               The Wynberg Years

               Speculators  had  been  buying  up  tracts  of  land  and  building  houses  in  Wynberg  as  the
               population grew rapidly. The names of Farmer, Maynard, Morgenrood, Higgs and others had

               become synonymous with a new breed of middle class entrepreneurs who saw opportunities
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