Page 8 - Bulletin 18 2014
P. 8


               In  1883  a  severe  drought  affected  the  Colony  and  Mossel  Bay  ran  out  of  water.

               Contemporary reports show that water was selling for 6d a bucket if it could be had. The
               water furrows could not be flushed and were filthy, there were health problems, clothes and

               bedding couldn’t be washed, and oxen were going without water for two to three days at a

               It was now that Courtney and Delbridge first hit the big time. They submitted a successful

               tender  of  £7  729  3s  6¼d  for  the  first  stage  of  the  Klein  Bosch  Water  Scheme  for  the

               Municipality of Mossel Bay. A paper on this project shows that the eventual cost was £24
               000 (Scheffler, 1990.) This major engineering feat involved laying 40 kms. of pipeline from

               the  Kleinbosch  River  over  hill  and  dale  to  the  town.  Given  the  difficult  terrain  and  the

               transport and supply problems, this was one of the major engineering feats of its time. In
               January 1885 the local paper reported the “cheering sight” of the first water running into the

               reservoir “with a sound that was music to the ear”.

               While John was busy at Mossel Bay, brother William had won a tender for laying a water
               pipeline at Uniondale – a small town that had also outgrown its water supply. This contract

               was completed in 1886 at a cost of £1 200.

               It was this same year that one of South Africa’s almost forgotten gold rushes started. Alluvial

               gold had been confirmed at Millwood near Knysna. The Delbridges were among the first to
               join the gold rush that Millwood became. Within weeks there were 50 diggers crawling all

               over the area, panning for alluvial gold and this figure soon grew to 600. Conditions were
               primitive to say the least with tents pitched in the damp and dripping forests, but there was

               tremendous excitement as gold fever took hold. C. F. Osborne who confirmed the first find

               gave this vivid description of the living conditions in the early days:

                     “Constant  rain  and  abundant  finebush  is  neither  pleasant  nor  healthy,  but  the

                     worst of all was the difficulty in getting proper food. Fresh meat I did not see for
                     months, and then only when I went to Knysna for it. ‘Pap’ was the staple article of

                     diet, as the ‘bread’ made by my boys was something vile, and I used to feel after
                     eating  any  of  it  as  though  I  had  swallowed  a  half  baked  brick.  To  be  a  good

                     prospector you need to have the stomach of an ostrich with the plumage of a duck
                     and the duck’s love for paddling in the water.”
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